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Fullständig version: My take on Evilvalle's compliance/defiance
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A guy I'm coaching took notes when I described this shit and he actaully structured it really well. Might be useful. Not much new really but very organised.


Take your time.
Find out how good the girl is in bed
Make a point about how you hate societal conditioning and “slut shaming”
Make a point about being discrete


4 steps

Boost her ego (give validation and interest)
Break rapport (strip validation and interest)
Make her invest


Everything should seem spontaneous
Everything should hit her on a deep emotional level.
Find out what she thinks is unique about herself so you can use it
Encourage or discourage things strategically towards sex
Ask for big favors and big qualification

Reasons for this

Makes her more reactive
Makes her invest
Pavlovian conditioning (reinforcing what you want. Punishing what you dont)

Repeat the process many times throughout the interaction

3 times with a girl who really likes you

Typically 5 or 6 times

Find out what she thinks is unique about herself and what she’s proud of. What boosts her ego (“What’s cool about you? What’s unique about you?”) and give her validation
Boost her ego by mirroring back to her. (e.g. “You not like other girls most hot girls in city don’t care about that shit I really like.”)
Note: This is about providing deeper validation. It is like telling a girl she’s hot but 10x better.
Make sure that what you give her validation for works in your favor (i.e. “being submissive, being kind, being honest, being sexual,) Make sure it’s shit that you enjoy.
Strip her of her validation. Break rapport.
Note: This is to make her feel the void your immense validation left and boosts her compliance.
Find something that you “don’t like” and also is not strategic to your interests
Say how much you hate what that is or be disapproving towards that.
Do it very politely. Not rude. VERY IMPORTANT (e.g.) downplay it don’t make it a big deal
Turn your body away and give less investment like you’re about to leave.
Short answers
Take out phone
Boring topics
Looking around
Giver her one big hoop to jump through.
Give her the chance to tell you a story
Guide her towards being promiscuous and sexual with you.
E.g. “Are you sexual. Tell me your craziest sex story.” “Grab a beer.” “Bring in sexual screening”
Ask her for favors
E.g. Buy me a beer. Open this girl. Get me a napkin.
Mix up verbal qualifications like telling you a story or proving herself to you with favors
If she doesn’t comply with what you want go back to “punish mode” or stripping validation
Have bigger hoops to jump through each time you go through it.
Reward by being friendly and physical

Repeat the cycle